Monday, January 23, 2006

27 days and counting

Well, according to our doctor, 27 days from now Aaron enters our home.
We are busy doing everything we can to make sure we are ready for that
day! Quite often as we are going about our day we mention that it may
be the last time we can do it for quite a while. We are excited, but
know our lives will change in more ways that we even recognize!

I (Danny) have been recognizing (again, this is a constant struggle) my
need to focus my priorities. While I know in my mind and heart what my
priorities "are", my actions quite often do not show these same
priorities. This past week I have really been attempting to turn those
poor priorities back over to Christ so that He can direct me! Please
pray that I will continue to do this, especially as Aaron is born and I
want to be an example for Him!

Together we have been reading the book "Bringing Up Boys" by Dr. James
Dobson. It has been an enlightening read, but also somewhat scary! I
am recognizing more and more how important my role is in his proper
mental and emotional development. Betsy is already planning to go out
and buy a HUGE first aid kit to take care of him!

The doctor is now looking for weekly visits from Betsy. I (Betsy) am
feeling good, but tired. I have trouble sleeping at night because 1)the
baby moves around keeping me awake or 2)I have heartburn that makes me
move to the couch to incline a bit or 3)uncomfortable restlessness.
However, I do sleep other times and for the most part feel rested. I've
decided not to worry about how much sleep I get when, but rather just
sleep as I can. The doctor said that Aaron has not dropped yet and
expects him to in another week or two. His heartbeat is strong and all
seems well. I've been reading books my Mom sent and now know what
questions to ask Dr. Lee (my doctor). She is a very good listener and
has the answers. She said all the questions are normal, and I'm sure
she's heard them all before. Praise God for His provision of Dr. Lee.

We are very excited to welcome my (Betsy) parents to Singapore next
month on Feb. 12. Mom spent last March with us, but Dad has never been
here before. Please be praying for them as they prepare and make the

Love you all lots!
Danny, Betsy, & Aaron

Skype: dabewhit

Friday, January 13, 2006

T-Minus 37 Days

Well, it is hard to believe that 37 days from now (plus or minus depending on Aaron's schedule!) there will be three Whittakers in Singapore instead of two. Betsy continues to do well, though her sleep schedule isn't what we'd like and foods don't always work in her system like they used to! Please pray for strength and rest over these next 5 weeks.

Pray for me as I am getting back into the flow of school. I'm enjoying my new computer programming class as are the students. Pray that in my busy-ness with school work I still put my family above my ministry and take care of my wife!

Pray for Aaron's continued growth and development and that he is kind to his mom and lets her sleep!
Setting up Chinatown for the Chinese New Year celebration.
Chinatown welcoming the Year of the Dog (starts early February)
I've been working on a time machine lately, I think I've got it!
It's working!!!
Hello 10 years ago!

Yes, After my time as Mr. Tumnus, I decided it was time for a change. I went to school on Wednesday (the first day after break) with my full beard still in place, that night I did the shave process, arriving at school Thursday morning clean shaven for the first time in Singapore. To add to the change I also decided to not wear my glasses. I had fun all day freaking people out, I still freak myself out any time I walk past a mirror!

Monday, January 02, 2006

Happy New Year one and all!

Just thought I would add my own little notes as well, Christmas break is going wonderfully, hard to believe it is already 2006! We've now been in Singapore for 18 months. We are enjoying ourselves here and getting used to the heat and humidity.

This week we are playing host to a couple from Portland that is now doing work with SIL in Jakarta, Indonesia. They have a little 7 month old baby and it has been fun to get a little glimpse of our life over the next year!

School is going well, hard to believe I'm halfway through my second year here. My elementary classes have been tons of fun, I enjoy working with the kids and their excitement for just about anything! My math classes are also going well, it is nice having a year under my belt in teaching the Calculus and PreCalculus as I hadn't taught them before coming here. Right now I'm preparing for a computer programming class (in Python if you care) that starts up for the second semester, I'm looking forward to that, it is one of my favorite classes to teach.

The school itself is doing well, we continue to grow and are looking for a way to move to a new campus where we can grow more. Pray for continued growth and continued wisdom in seeking out a new location.

Read on to get Betsy's update on Aaron.

Active Baby

This is Betsy giving you an update on the little one. Our busy lives have calmed somewhat so we have more time to update you. We had another doctor's appointment last Tuesday. Aaron is healthy and continuing to grow. He is now about 4 and 1/2 lbs and very active. I am noticing that he has a schedule now.

Times when he is active: slouching (Any time I relax my posture for more than a couple of seconds, he reminds me that there is very little room in my tummy.), transportation (Any vehicle other than my own two legs causes great excitement-taxis, train, or bus.), eating (After every meal he is a happy camper!), bedtime (He must like the reclined position and making sure I remember to pray for him before I fall asleep.).

He is active at other times as well, but these times are the ones I notice with great regularity. We are visiting the doctor every two weeks now, and there are only about 2 months left before our due date, February 19th. I praise God for watching over every step of this pregnancy. Thank you all for your prayers, God is faithfully answering!!!