Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Rural Life

On our first full day in China, we got a taste of something that can never be found in Singapore:  A Farm!  A Singaporean family started an olive farm in rural China to educate the local people in farming techniques and to bring hope.  They wait for the first harvest of olives which will occur in October.  As they anticipate the bounty, they have branched out to other crops as well.  ICS students roamed the arid hills with a mixture of awe and disbelief.  A special treat awaited the end of the tour, fresh strawberries right off the vines.  We joined in the excitement as one after another, students stepped from the green house munching strawberries and licking sticky fingers.

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After a home-grown, home-cooked meal, our group migrated to a nearby village to teach English with crafts, songs, and games.  Primary (Elementary) children practiced saying the names of animals as they drew pictures, sang “If I Were a Butterfly” and played an animal version of tag.  The tigers got to tag everybody.  The mice and pigs had to run the whole time.  Dogs and cats could tag those who were not tigers.

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IMG_6331Time melted away as the children began to come out of their shells and make some friends.  Even Aaron found some common ground with those he didn’t share a language with.




The school gathered everyone up to say “Thank You” and “Goodbye”.  What an excellent time for a picture.  Tired ICS students piled back on the bus, happy to have been a part of the school for a day.IMG_6366

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