Wednesday, March 15, 2006

The Knight's Fair

Last Saturday was our annual Spring Carnival and I got to be in the dunking booth again. It was a lot of fun, and I brought a new level of danger to it as you will see in the pictures below.

Aaron is continuing to develop and has some good days and some bad days. The last couple days have been on the bad side again, especially when compared to the good days directly before them! But we are making it, please continue to pray for us in the rest that we get and in Aaron's health.

Today Betsy has gone out with her mom for a movie and I'm here holding down the fort with Aaron, so far he has just slept for me, very nice, though I fear how much sleeping he'll do tonight!
Spring Carnival, back in the dunk tank
Getting even with my attackers! Mom bought me the squirt gun, thanks!!
Do I have to wake up?
I love my Daddy!
At church and Daddy is feeding me!!
Aren't I cute??
Big yawn!
Sleepy baby
I don't want my diaper changed, I WANT FOOD!!
Aaron in his new playpen (it has an optional raised area which we'll remove when he's a bit older.) This was a gift from our church family in Singapore.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Happy Pi Day!

Today is pi day. I had fun celebrating with my students at school and had them create for me a banner with the first 50 decimals of pi. If you care, the first million digits of pi can be found here. I really like the domain name!

If you are really good you also notice the time and date of the post: 3-14 at 1:59 in the year 2--6!

Here is a site with lots of links and interesting facts about the wonderful number pi!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

30 days old

As I write this, Aaron is now 30 days and 30 minutes old. He is sleeping now. I just finished feeding him (from a bottle). Betsy and Gigi just got back from a shopping trip, they were both getting cabin fever after not being out for almost a week. They enjoyed having a chance to get out!

Today was a much better day for Aaron and Betsy here at home, we think we are beginning to understand some of the problems he was having. Hopefully he has begun to turn the corner and will be doing better. Please pray that is the case!

School is going well, and I'm working to be more organized at school so I can be more devoted at home. Thanks for your prayers, and enjoy the pics.
One month picture
Gigi, Poppa, and Aaron
Three generations
Three generations
Aaron makes a trip to RDA
Aaron getting his acid reflux medication
Another family photo
What's that??
Cute baby
Wide Mouthed Frog
Tired baby
Flexing for gigi

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Almost a month!

Wow, can't believe we are into March, only a few more days and Aaron will be a month old! He is growing so quickly. The last week or so he has really struggled with gas pains and thus he has not been sleeping very well, but we got him some drops that have helped with that, and Betsy took him to the doctor again today. The doctor diagnosed him with acid reflux and gave him some medication. This has worked wonderfully so far and he has been able to sleep well most of the day, catching up from the past days. Hopefully he will still sleep tonight too!!

As for night time, Aaron has been giving Betsy a few hours of sleep at night with feedings at about 11pm, then 5 or 6am. Of course he hasn't slept that whole time with the acid reflux, but usually gets to sleep at around 2. Mom and Dad have been wonderfully in sitting up with him and allowing us to sleep!

Love you all!
Some of the MANY gifts we have been receiving. . .THANK YOU!!!!
Baby dedication, praying for God's help as we raise Aaron
Warming up for the first pitch of the season!
Gigi and Aaron
Baby Dedication
Riding the MRT home from church
Aaron with his new mobile
Mommy and Aaron