Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Time comes earlier here

This afternoon Betsy and I went with a few students from the school and got to watch Star Wars Episode III in an early release. The movie actually started at 4PM on Wednesday the 18th, which was early in the morning on the 18th back there in the states. It's kind of fun knowing that we were one of the first to see the movie. It was a good movie, but it ends the way we expected! It was also an interesting study. The theatre wasn't even half full, I couldn't believe all the empty seats. It was fun to spend some time outside of school with the students as well.


Andy said...

Kinda jealous. okay. Totally jealous. I hope to take Kim to see it with me in the near future.

Anonymous said...

Contrary to your experience, we saw the movie at midnight on the 18th in a packed theater FULL of grateful, excited Star Wars fans, complete with spontaneous applause, cheers, and boos at appropriate times. Caroline was 9 when she the movie began and ten when it ended as her birthday time fell during the movie. You are RIGHT. It's a great movie! :-)